Organic Lawn Services
We offer a variety of Organic Lawncare services to care for your lawn. The products we utilize are all-natural and derived from plant, animal, and mineral sources. Prices based on square footage of lawn.
This program combines the power of organic fertilization with the weed management properties of DDG (dried distillers grains). Our organic fertilizer is composted poultry manure (4-4-2), and is OMRI listed safe for organic farms. Our fertilizer breaks down slowly to provide steady plant and root growth. DDG is a soil amendment that works to prevent new weed seed growth as a pre-emergent, but has no affect on established weeds. DDG also provides all-natural fertilization. It is a 100% natural by-product of Ethanol production. The Premium Organic Program includes four (4) annual treatments.
#1 | Weed Pre-Emergent + Fertilizer (applied March-April)
#2 | Organic Composted Fertilizer (applied May-June)
#3 | Weed Pre-Emergent + Fertilizer (applied August-September)
#4 | Organic Composted Fertilizer (applied October-December)
GRUB PREVENT + CONTROL | Beneficial Nematodes
To prevent and control grub infestations we offer a Beneficial Nematode treatment. These naturally occurring microscopic worms consume grub, flea, and tick larvae. We spray the Nematodes in a compost tea solution over the entire lawn, which also helps to enrich your soil. We provide this service during the first lawn application in Spring (March-April). This is a once yearly treatment.
For lawns experiencing an acute grub, flea, tick, or insect infestation we offer CedarCure spray treatment. This all-natural treatment works immediately to control an outbreak, but does not offer future prevention. This treatment can be applied at any time during the season.
This service can help improve compacted soil conditions. Aeration assists water and nutrient penetration into the soil. We provide this service in the Fall (October-November) using an aerator machine. If you schedule Overseeding and Aeration, both services will be done at the same time in late Summer (September)
Lawns with sparse grass or bare spots are perfect targets for weeds. We use a slit seeder to add grass seed to help create a thicker more weed resistant lawn. We overseed with Turf Type Tall Fescue grass seed, the best performer in Central Ohio weather conditions. This service is provided in late Summer. If you schedule Overseeding and Aeration, both services will be done at the same time in late Summer (September).
A sample of your soil will be sent to a lab and tested for pH and nutrient levels. You will be sent specific all-natural amendment recommendations to help balance soil conditions, as needed. This service can be done at anytime during the season. ($40.00)
CedarCure is sprayed on lawns to control an acute grub or insect infestation, but will not provide prevention. The active ingredient is Cedarwood Oil. This treatment will only be scheduled with a recommendation due to a specific acute problem. This treatment can be applied at any time throughout the season.
INSECT CONTROL | Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is applied on lawns to control an acute insect infestation, but will not provide prevention. This treatment will only be scheduled with a recommendation due to a specific acute problem. This treatment can be applied at any time throughout the season.